Coronavirus: what is it, how does it spread and how do we stay safe?

Experts discuss ways to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and the stress and panic it is causing

It’s the word on everyone’s lips, and has been for months now: coronavirus. We haven’t seen an international crisis on this scale before – one in which every single one of the world’s 195 countries are at risk from the Covid-19 virus. Nations are closing their borders, halting flights, limiting social interaction and closing all workplaces except for the most essential. The world's stock markets have tumbled and show no signs of stability.

How do we deal with the threat from Covid-19 and with these unprecedented times, when fake news and panic travel faster than the virus?

Host Suhail Akram talks to Dr Tarik Jarasevic of the World Health Organisation and science historian Simon Ings about the new coronavirus. We also hear from Dr Thoraiya Kanafani, a clinical psychologist, and Ali Khawaja, a self-proclaimed "prepper" based in the UAE.