For all levels: Fitness events to look forward to in the UAE

Whether you’re a beginner looking to enter your first 5km fun run, an extreme adventurer ready for an ironman, or you fall somewhere in the middle, we’ve rounded up some fitness events to mark on your calendar and start training for.

The Color Run in Abu Dhabi. Ravindranath K / The National
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With the summer heat, school holidays and Ramadan, many people have taken their foot off the fitness pedal and slowed down, but physical activity should be a way of life. Sometimes we just need a goal to work towards to help get us back out there. Whether you’re a beginner looking to enter your first 5km fun run, an extreme adventurer ready for an ironman, or you fall somewhere in the middle, we’ve rounded up some fitness events to mark on your calendar and start training for.

Starting slow: Try these five events that are ideal for beginners and those who have been inactive.

Mid-level: These eight events will test your physical and mental strength.

Extreme: Train hard for these six events that will push seasoned athletes to the limit.