Do-it-yourself bath bombs

Celebrate the onset of cooler climes with a soak in your bathtub – that huge rectangular thing in your bathroom that you ignore for most of the year.

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Celebrate the onset of cooler climes with a soak in your bathtub – that huge rectangular thing in your bathroom that you ignore for most of the year.

Of course, no soak is complete without a couple of bath bombs, or fizzies, and the good news is you can make your own.

We like Martha Stewart’s mix. All you need is half a cup of citric acid, one cup of baking soda, three-quarters of a cup of cornstarch and a quarter cup of organic cane sugar. Personalise your bombs with 10 to 15 drops of your favourite essential oil and a few drops of food colouring.

Combine the citric acid, baking powder and cornstarch. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve before adding the sugar. Mix the food colouring with some water in a spray bottle and then spritz your dry mixture gently, until it is damp and you can pack everything together in your palms. Then add your essentials oils, one drop at a time, preferably using a pipette, and mix together using your hands, until the colour is even. Don’t be afraid to spritz again with the liquid if necessary.

Once ready, spoon your mixture into an ice try, making sure to pack firmly. Leave overnight, in room temperature to dry and then gently transfer into a jar.

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