77 Veggie Boutique's recipe for Paneer Platter and Roma's Tonic

77 Veggie Boutique shares its recipes for Paneer Platter and Roma's Tonic.

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Roma's tonic (serves 1 182 calories)


5g mint leaves

100g oranges

1 scoop crushed ice

10g agave syrup


1. In a blender, blend the mint, oranges, agave syrup and crushed ice with a little water.

2. Pour in a glass.

3. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.

Paneer platter

serves 1

174 calories


30g fresh parsley

5g green chillies

10g salt

10ml lemon juice

100g low-fat prebiotic yogurt

230g paneer

15g dry oregano

0.5g dry red chillies

30g Romaine lettuce for garnish

100g bean sprouts

80g grated carrots


1. Combine the parsley, green chillies, salt, lemon juice, low-fat prebiotic yogurt, oregano and dry chillies and mix well in a bowl.

2. Dice the paneer into small pieces and marinate in the mixture for 15 minutes.

3. Pre-heat the oven to 180ºC and bake the paneer for 10 minutes until light golden brown and crispy.

4. Garnish with carrots, bean sprouts and Romaine lettuce. Serve hot