Why productivity tracking should be your 2020 resolution: Business Extra podcast

Also in this episode: new phase of US-China standoff and what comes after COP25

In this week's podcast, host Kelsey Warner is joined by John Garvey, the global financial services industry leader at PwC. They discuss a new phase of the US-China tariff war and an underwhelming end to the United Nations' climate change summit, COP25. Are signs of action from the private sector cause for optimism?

Also discussed: the future of work in the financial services industry and why productivity tracking is a game-changer.

In this episode:

US-China 'Phase One' deal (0m 27m)

Why COP25 dragged on for two extra days (5m 50s)

The private sector's role in climate change action (7m 58s)

John Garvey on the case for productivity and financial services' 'lost decade' (14m 10s)

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